Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Austin...A Great PlaceTo Start A Business

One of the many things I love about Austin Texas is that the residents here respect the little guy. Small family owned versus big conglomeration....the small family owned always wins. There something warm and fuzzy about patronizing businesses that have the owner on site and started with little and made a presence in the community. That's who I want to give my money to.

Being that Austin is pro small business I decided to start my own business in Austin, which is a small financial institution. After talking with members of the Texas Bankers Association I found out that I should be utilizing a consulting service to help with internal auditing, and IT security, just to name a few. As a small financial institution I am a lamb among wolves when it comes to financial institutions as a whole. However, I am learning I don't have to go it alone. I have decided to use a consulting service that has experience working with financial institutions and being that I'm the new kid on the block and a small business I'm also utilizing other services such as tax consulting, auditing services, and help with strategic planning.

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